Daedalus 2.0 stuck verifying the blockchain 0%


Hi All,

I have just removed the Daedalus 1.0 and downloaded 2.0 but it has been stuck on the same page for over 30 minutes.

The icons say:
Green - Cardano node is running
Red - Cardano node not responding
Grey - Checking is cardano node time is correct
Red - Cardano node not syncing

Any advice would be great as im struggling to find any fix information.

Thanks in advance legends

Did you already try to restart your computer and try it again?

Same symptom as my issue: Shelley Mainnet Daedelus Wallet not connecting to network

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Hi Zyroxa,

Thanks for the quick response.

I have tried:
—turning it off and on again,
—uninstalling and reinstalling
—restarting the cardano node
—checking the firewall settings

and the other generic IT support ideas (Hahaha)
—blowing in the ports
—hitting the side of the computer
—pleading with the device to work

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That is a great list and all you can do right now. I recommend to submit a ticket to the Help Desk at this point: https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360000877653-Mainnet-Daedalus-Wallet

am having the same problem did you find a solution?

same here pls help

Try the version 2.0.1. They just released in https://daedaluswallet.io/

your funny.Same problem here gys. for a full day.

Hi I´ve tried it all!
*Re-install (removing appdata also)
*Bypass my wifi router

and many more stuff that an ordinary user can do.

it´s still stuck at 0%, it actually came too 99.94% the second time LOL!! But, ive been trying for days now and still nothing.

How long did you wait? There are some performance issues. Just let it open in the background and be patient.

Hi, first time (last week) I waited half a day. second time I did some stuff with my router (shut of the ISP) and W10 firewall, then it went upp to 99.98% and stuck there for 2 full days, NOTHING moved!

Now, never goes past 0.00%

Can you use Yoroi, or Adalite?

Hi Nick,

I have had this issue for probably over 1 year, and nobody on the forum or online was able to help me. Daedalus is junk - this is the experience of many. I still try to get the latest running from multiple computers, using multiple networks…no dice

Check out out my long thread here, where I just vent about it and many post their “fixes” or vents.

In the end, I went to Yoroi. Yoroi work extremely well for me, including multiple accounts. However, now that I am trying to switch over from testnet to shelley, well no cigar. I am waiting patiently for Yoroi to get their ducks in a row.

What is going on with this wallet ? Been syncing with the blockchain for two days I’ve had to charge my laptop twice this is ridiculous not impressed

Use AdaLite, that’s what I did, redeem rewards then back to Yoroi, problem solved. (But beware of clones.)

Nobody expects you to be impressed, the network is heavily overstretched with too many people trying to sync at the same time before it begins to scale up.

Hi RobJF,

Thank you for the suggestion. Please let me know if I understand you correctly:

1 - Use AdaLite to recover my wallet with 15 word phrase
2 - Redeem rewards in AdaLite
3 - Create NEW wallet in Yoroi
4 - Transfer ADA from AdaLite to Yoroi

Is that correct?

Thank you

Is this the correct site:

…or are steps 3 & 4 not necessary?