I lost my wallet

Thanks for the reply. Your comment.“words are important.” I agree, which is I why I’ve tried to be really clear and concise. Don’t want to waste anybody’s time. One more question, as I’m not entirely clear on the meaning of your response. You’ve clearly ruled out option A. Which of the remaining options is correct: B or C? Thanks again.

Thanks Elurevad

See my second-to-last sentence. Importation is not relevant to this scenario.

OK, understood, I will attempt to RESTORE WALLET FROM BACKUP. Also, there’s information on the IOHK site, in relation to this topic. In short, the article states that ALL Daedalus files must be deleted, before attempting to restore a wallet. Do you agree that that’s the correct work path?

No. Restore using the seed phrase. If you haven’t already, d/l and install latest version of Daedalus and select restore during setup.

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I have a Daedalus wallet on my system - installed February 2018. According to IOHK, that wallet and all of the files associated with that wallet must be deleted - entirely. But you believe that’s incorrect, and that I should simply download / instal the latest version of the Daedalus wallet, and just leave the old wallet where it is. Is that correct?

I believe @syd-cypher’s problem is well on the way to being resolved via another thread, anyone else reading this one should beware of substantial confusion above.

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RobJF, that’s unfair, and misleading. My question/s to you have been very straightforward, I’ve been patient and courteous, and you have simply not answered some of the questions I’ve asked. Questions that I think are entirely valid. Are you shutting me out, or can we continue to communicate?

Hi @syd-cypher,
I think you have misunderstood @RobJF’s message above. He is just making others aware that you have progressed via a different thread, so that they do not continue replying on this one.
The intent of this thread was to assist someone who had his 12 word phrase key wrong, which is not the case for you. Feel free to continue the discussions/any further queries on your thread :slight_smile:
(PS: I think he has been helping correctly, there was just a bit of communication gap between the threads)

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Fair enough, and I agree, RobJF has been helpful. I’ll discontinue adding to this thread. Cheers