Missin ADA after restoring the wallet

Ok, I cannot try it out currently, since wallet restoration takes a lot for now, but, afaik, it should not remove your receiving addresses if there was any blockchain-activity for them, and you have two transactions on it.

Basically, how HD wallets work:

  1. You enter your 12 words - this generates the seed key
  2. Wallet can use your seed to spawn new addresses (which it does, every time you send ADA with a change, for example)
  3. Addresses generation from your seed is one-way deterministic - it means that you can always restore the same addresses from the same seed, but cannot restore the seed from addresses.
  4. Basically that’s how the wallet works: when Daedalus gets your 12 words - it generates the seed and then scans the whole blockchain, and checks for every transaction if any used address is generated from this seed. And if it is - he saves transaction as “yours” (one of your addresses used).

So, based on this information, I may assume that none of your addresses should be “lost” after restoration if it was actually used - and your addresses were used (doesn’t matter that Daedalus doesn’t show the transactions - the explorer is what matters).

Full reinstall of the Daedalus is the best option, since you have said that you deleted some folders, but didn’t perform full reinstall - that actually could leave the Daedalus in corrupted state.

To fully delete the Daedalus, you need to remove these two folders (your screenshots are from Mac if I’m not mistaken):

~/Library/Application Support/Daedalus

The second one will take especially long to remove, cuz it contains the whole blockchain. And then you need to reinstall the latest version from scratch. And then re-download the blockchain and restore your wallet (store those 12 words!).

P.S. If you still don’t trust the logic :slight_smile: you can try to wait until the evening when I will be able to actually experimentally show that used addresses are not removed on restoration.

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