Need help (Infinito wallet) Byron cardano

I need help I hope someone can help me
I have private key and 12 phase word from Infinito wallet but since their company shot down I can’t access to my assets my life really depends on this
How can I recover my assets
I already tried daedalus and eternal and yori but didn’t work because 12 phase word only belongs to infinito wallet
As I said before I access my private key but there is no wallet that accepts Byron private keys
What gonna do with that
Please someone help me :frowning:

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Try to restore the wallet on or

Thank you! Could you please let me know if these two websites are secure for entering my recovery information ?

Some forums have suggested using the Cardano CLI method. Do you have any information about this method?

Well if you have the skills, you definitly can setup your own node and use CLI but i assume you wouldnt ask if you have.

Yes, unfortunately, I don’t have the skills for that. Do you think I can access my assets through these two websites?

ah another wallet i found is Moonstake. I think there were a few guys with the same issue as you had and they were able to restore their funds with Moostake.


Yep, forum search for Infinito would have shown that you can forget Adalite, Medusa, and CLI in this case. Moonstake is the only thing some have reported success with.

I have done some research on Moonstake and I’ve found a few issues, such as low ratings on the Google Play Store and the iOS App Store. I also checked their X account, but there hasn’t been any recent activity there. I’m concerned about fake reviews and success reports.

If I find someone who knows about Cardano CLI and asks for help, what are my chances?

As i said above, there were multiple guys using Moonstake to get their funds back from Infinito.

The chance of loosing your funds there is way smaller than finding someone with CLI skills and then give him your seedphrase.

ADALite is safe:

Or you can use their newest wallet NuFi: AdaLite - Cardano Wallet

You can use also

Typhon can do the same:

These are many options for you now.

Are ADALite, NuFi, Eternl and Typhon not able to restore Byron Legacy wallets, if they have the option 12 words recovery?

No, NuFi, Eternl, Typhon, Lace, Gero, Nami, Yoroi, … are not able to restore Byron wallets.

There is a reason why we only mention and in all threads about Byron. Those are the only wallet apps apart from Daedalus that can do Byron.

The length of the seed phrase has nothing to do with the derivation done on it.

This false impression only comes from the arbitrary decision of Daedalus to use 12 words for Byron and 24 words for Shelley (while already Yoroi used 15 words for both). Adalite has adopted this and thinks that 12 words have to be Byron. But that is simply not true.

In principle, both derivation methods can be done with any seed phrase length you like (due to how BIP-39 seed phrases work, it always has to be a multiple of 3 … and much less than 12 probably won’t make a lot of sense).

In fact, a lot of other chains use 12 word seed phrases exclusively. And for that reason, multi-chain wallet apps also use 12 word seed phrases … also for Cardano Shelley. So, it makes a lot of sense that Eternl, Typhon et al. can restore them. It helps users of Trust Wallet and Atomic Wallet (Exodus unfortunately not because they screwed up implementing the derivation and they do something else).

Ok, this is more complicated than I thought…
Does this mean that Byron and Shelly use different Mnemonic words / library?

No, they use the same word list and the same checksum algorithm – BIP-39. Every valid Byron seed phrase is also a valid Shelley seed phrase and vice versa. Also true for other chains, for Ledger, for Exodus, …

But what they do afterwards is completely different. And while how the Shelley things work is documented quite well in CIPs, the Byron things are not that well documented. There is, but it’s a bit arcane. I can understand that all the newer wallet apps had no motivation implementing that.

Any seed phrase you find (almost, there are some very exotic concepts with other word lists) could be for any chain, for any era, for any device. That’s why it helps to stay a bit organised … or to methodologically try them all everywhere when there is a problem finding the right one.

Ok, I would expect that many Cardano wallets should be implement this…
But yeah, you are right. It’s important to be up to date, that’s true…

Thanks for responding.

But I’ve already tried these methods before, and they were useless. They show zero Cardano in my wallet.

This is why Cardano hasn’t been profitable for me.

Imagine if you bought Bitcoin a long time ago and now can’t recover it, and nobody knows how to help you recover it.

Some people suggest using the Moonstake wallet, but I can’t trust them. If it’s safe, why hasn’t Cardano officially recognized it as a secure option, like other wallets?

Unfortunately, I’m disappointed in Cardano.
I hope someone can help me out

What makes you think you can trust any of the other options but not Moonstake?

Im not sure if you are aware, but Cardano is a protocol and not like an entity. “Cardano” cant recommand a wallet.

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I understand, but at the very least, there should be a clear and safe solution for people facing problems like mine. (I know many others who are dealing with similar issues.)

However, I will give Moonstake a try since I don’t see any other options.

just to show you a few threads from this forum where people were able to regain access via moonstake.