Yes, you may be missing something.
Read this thread, slowly and carefully.
Yes, you may be missing something.
Read this thread, slowly and carefully.
Read the thread, but don’t see the point.
Your presumption is that crypto whales are trickle-selling their coins to cash out? I don’t see any real evidence of anything shady going on, and I’m not sure why a declining BTC relative valuation would benefit anyone holding even a marginal amount of Ada. Sorry, but it just sounds like groundless FUD and doesn’t really address the concern of the thread.
I think market perception is a big driver in this fickle crypto space. There are likely other factors, but this is the problem that is visible to me.
I’d add that I don’t have a solution to increasing the project visibility, but that’s a job for marketing and PR people.
Personally I am grateful for the current low price…I’m playing the long game. Everyone has different goals and motivations though.
@Donnybaseball USD price aside, wouldn’t you want to see widespread interest in the platform that leads to actual implementation? I’m also looking at this as a “long term” investment. Nevertheless, diminished public interest in the project and sliding valuation against other alt-coin/BTC pairs can result in failure. Presenting at conferences is admirable, but there needs to be an effort to recruit mainstream interest or this thing can die. If the team is funded through, say, 2020, do you think it will succeed after their funding period if the token price drops to nil (or near nil) and there are few transactions running on the platform? Maybe they’ll just pitch a round or two to VC to keep it going? (sorry, that was kinda a joke).
I said they’re holding off on marketing but I meant mainstream marketing. CH is working his butt off marketing to the tech and, I think increasingly, international development crowds. So the strategy seems to be top-down: get the most important people on-side first, then get trickle-down influence, probably alongside direct mainstream marketing, later. The suggestion that CH, with his background, doesn’t know what he’s doing with regard to marketing as well as the more techy stuff, seems laughable to me.
As @RobJF rightly stated previously, unless you’re suicidal, there is currently no point in pushing the marketing button before Shelley. At the moment the entire network is relying on only a handful of nodes, so why would you want to congest the whole network with new users while everything is still under development? This would only feed the FUD and the bad press.
One step at a time is better than rushing hastily into things. We don’t want to create further problems like ETH who is trying to repair its engine while driving at full speed on the highway. Just wait for the product to be shipped
For me, analysis on Crypto/Crypto pairs is pretty useless. I remember CoinTelegraph claimed a month or so ago that since they didn’t have enough data on ADA/USD they were going to use ADA/BTC instead. I feel like there is enough data on the USD charts to use those now, but that’s ultimately up to them.
I don’t pay a lot of attention to the per ETH or per BTC cost personally. The USD price is more important. Typically when I’m going to purchase ADA I’ll watch the actual USD price, and when I decide to buy I’ll purchase ETH at market, transfer that exact amount, and use it to buy (since Binance still doesn’t support Segwit)
Charles does an “educational” interview on YT most days atm. Saw him yesterday in London. The most important thing is that they deliver according to the roadmap. I think doing “marketing” right now, when the network isn’t even decentralised yet would be a huge mistake.
In four months, ADA will be somewhere between $1.00 - 2.00. Staking will be realized, a new version of the wallet will be operational with the option of holding more than just ADA, sidechains will be nearing the peer review phase, and everyone will still be talking about the future of ETH. When Goguen comes online and smart contracts are implemented with sidechains, watch out. The buzz will be HUGE and the marketing will be done for them. Until then, we can all just stay geeks in the corner.
Or maybe we all lose our ADA and EOS or Dogecoin become more valuable than BTC.
Let’s also not forget that Cardano is still ranked #6 without a large mass market push. If it wasn’t getting the attention of developers, I’d be worried, but it is.
It’s also been traded on the open market for only a few months, so it’s the newest member of the top 10.
@mlb5000 Until there is widespread use of crypto, I kinda agree with you which is why I’m not pressing the sell button. And that’s a good tip/reminder about using ETH to buy Ada to reduce costs. I think the main utility of looking at crypto/crypto pairs on the exchanges is to evaluate “opportunity cost”. If you see, for example, BTC gaining 10% while its pair loses 1%, you are looking at a larger net loss than if you had just held BTC.
@RobJF Whoah, don’t get too far ahead of me. I’m not suggesting that anyone on the Cardano team is incompetent. On the contrary, I’ve praised the team for their technical excellence. Nevertheless, you’ve made my point for me: Marketing is Not the Job of a CEO. I understand that in any startup, there is going to be a lot of overlap in people’s job descriptions (CEOs doing anything/everything to keep afloat). Usually, as a company grows, an individual’s role becomes more defined. When Ada soared to the top 10 market cap, yes, I did expect there to be some refocusing.
I’m not sure how promoting the concept of Cardano (which, in a nutshell, solves many of the current problems with crypto) would lead to congestion on the network or have any adverse effects whatsoever.
I am with you on this, I make dollars at work and have to weigh the value I earn before buying ADA.
I agree with you on the opportunity cost thing. I’ll watch the pairs to see if crypto I already hold could get me a “deal”, but I don’t use it outright. I definitely agree with OP that if you focus on the ADA/BTC chart it looks terrible, but it’s talking about relative strength between currencies. The USD charts are more stable, and shows support right around $0.30 (where we are now). BTC chart shows no such thing
Even at 30p ADA is still over-valued. The entire market is way way way over-valued…
Hi, Dagst47.
I definitely see your point. I think that will come in due course though. I look at the Cardano project in a glass is half full kind of way at this point. The coin has only been traded since Sept of last year and as others have stated it is the #6 coin by market cap already. I also think that the project leaders (Charles) want to make sure the project can crawl before it runs from a tech and utility perspective. Delivering on the promises made will be what makes or breaks this experiment more than anything, and I think that is how it should be. The primary criticism on crypto from the outside world is “what are people actually using it for?”. If Cardano can answer that question we are going to the moon. The recent white papers on using Cardano as the backbone of online gaming tech is a good example. With all that said Charles is currently on a grueling month plus long good will world tour now getting people inside the crypto world excited. They say Ada will be listed on more exchanges by the end of this month. Once Shelly goes live things will get quite interesting also I would think. However there is definitely nothing wrong with a solid marketing strategy implemented by the foundation and I would hope that is being considered, as Charles can only do so much by himself. As a person who started his own business I appreciate the Herculean efforts involved with getting something as massive as the Cardano project off the ground. Win loose or draw my hat is off to everyone involved.
I love the FUD during dips and bear markets. No profit was ever guaranteed and never will be, you’re investing in something, either wait for your money to work for you or take it on the chin and sell it off for the loss!
@Demon Total non sequitur.
You can short it u know?
You either believe in the future of ADA or you don’t. If you do, then buy cheap and hold. If you don’t, then gtfo.
Bitcoin will last. ADA will last. LTC will last. ETH probably. DASH probably. XMR definitely. beyond that most of them will probably go away (or almost away).
As to whether the entirety of crypto is overvalued, as one commenter said, perhaps. How can you know?. My thinking is that crypto should be 1% of global wealth (300T$) which would make it worth 3 trillion dollars. It’s currently 1/6 of that.
Why is that?