Symphony of Blockchains Bristol Meetup - March 14


Symphony of Blockchains is Coming to Bristol

What: The Symphony Exhibit Soft Launch

Why: Pre-launch of VR (virtual reality) Physical Experience (Monolith) before Miami, with aim to have a dry run, shoot content and connect with local crypto and design community.

When: Thursday 14th March. 6pm - 8pm

Invites: Free, ticketed event. Max venue capacity of 200.

Where: Arnolfini Art Gallery, Bristol


We are incredibly pleased to announce the launch of the next phase of the Symphony project, also known as the “Symphony of Blockchains.” The Symphony Exhibit is a touring, multi-sensory, immersive and physical experience that brings to life the origin of the blockchain; a piece of art that evokes curiosity and delves into the vast and interconnected stories of the Bitcoin blockchain and other blockchain systems.

Interconnected and consistent, the breadth of Symphony experiences allow us to communicate both the macro and micro intricacies of the Bitcoin blockchain; anywhere and everywhere.

The creators of the Symphony Exhibit will introduce the project and there will be ample opportunity to talk to the creators, enjoy the experience and network with others in the creative, design, and crypto communities.

Note: this event will be filmed


pinches himself. Not a dream…

This is amazing guys, seeing my two favourite subjects on the planet come together like this. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

I know an Art Gallery manager who is very interested in bringing this to her town (i do graphic design and promo videos for her). Would love to discuss this with the symphony of blockchain team.

Hopefully I can make it to the meetup and convince the team to include Belgium in the tour! This is the only project on the planet of it’s kind. It’s history in the making.


Thats so awesome. I’ll pass this along to the team :+1:

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This Meetup looks like it’s not going to disappoint; looks awesome. I wish I lived in the across the pond. :laughing:

:star_struck: The visualizations of bitcoin’s blockchain (and others?) on Symphony of Blockchains is always jaw-dropping. Every time I check out the blocks, sooner or later I get the Wish I could be there! :v:

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Well you may be in luck. The project Symphony team and I will be at this year’s public IOHK Summit in Miami. Anyone stateside can more easily attend; especially if they’re on the east coast.

On another note we strongly encourage everyone to check out the new Symphony Forum. All info on the project will be found there; sort of the Symphony hub. You can also post your favorite blocks you’ve found while exploring the blockchain.