Hello friends, my wallet is not fully synced, I did everything, delete the chain folder, reinstall the software but the sync is not complete until it is 95 full
please guide me
Daedalus is pretty hardware heavy. Id recommand using a light wallet like Typhon or ccvault.
All my property is in Dadalus
How long are you waiting for the sync? I guess the last few percent will take more time because of the increased transaction volume.
Do you think the size of the Windows partition affects?
Ok i see you get a connection error. Can you click on the “Download logs” link and see if there’s something useful.
Do you have ~30Gb free space?
Up to 95%, the remaining volume is 16 gigs
I downloaded the log files, but I do not understand
Can you paste here
Btw just to clarify, Daedalus is just a UI layer to the blockchain. You can restore your wallet in other software as well (it just needs to support the 24 words Daedalus mnemonic which most do). There is nothing specific to your funds stored in the wallet software, it’s all on the blockchain.
Log files can not be sent here
Do you think changing the windows or changing the drive will solve the problem?
If there’s some error at the end of the file you can copy/paste the last few lines.
Not sure what’s going on, trying to see if there’s more info in the log file.
Try opening node.log
in the text editor and see if there are some errors at the bottom of the document.
Can you copy the last lines from the log (bottom of the file), in case there are some errors.
Can not be sent here
Like Copy/Paste a few lines from the bottom of the log… Do you at least see some errors at the bottom of the file?