2nd Year Anniversary - Voting for Top 10 AMA questions (1/3) - Cardano Foundation

Hello everyone.

Our Ambassadors voted on the top questions for the Cardano Foundation and this is the result. The three questions which are most voted on will be answered on the AMA during the Cardano Anniversary event in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Anyone who votes will be eligible to win a prize as explained in the AMA contest topic. We will receive your voting until 22/09 this Sunday. And 20 voting participants will receive US$50 through lucky draw.

Note: You will only be able to use one vote. So use it wisely!

Many thanks in advance,

IOHK, EMURGO and the Cardano Foundation.

  • How should the relationship be between the Cardano ecosystem and given public systems?
  • What is the plan to expand the Cardano Foundation council to include members from additional countries?
  • How’s the current team? How many people do you have? Where are they based?
  • What can we expect of Cardano Foundation in 2020/2021?
  • As a community member, how can I help Cardano Foundation?
  • Do the three entities have plans to ensure communication is clear between them in the coming years ?
  • How the project will be funded after the initial ICO funding has been depleted?
  • Will Cardano ADA meet FATF regulations (travel rules)? How will this be done?

0 voters


One vote, or one vote per topic ie three votes?

One vote per poll. So one for the CF poll, one for EMURGO and one for IOHK.

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Ha, I didn’t notice it was divided up this way at first, thanks Andy.

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Dear all.

I made a small error configuring the poll so I had to reset it. Voters who voted before 07:00 UTC please revote!

Sorry for the inconvenience!

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Preguntas traducidas al español, en orden de aparición:

  1. ¿Cómo debería ser la relación entre el ecosistema de Cardano y los sistemas públicos existentes?

  2. ¿Cuál es el plan para ampliar el consejo de la Fundación Cardano, para incluir miembros de otros países?

  3. ¿Cómo está conformado el equipo actual? ¿Cuánta gente trabaja? ¿Dónde tienen su sede?

  4. ¿Qué podemos esperar de la Fundación Cardano en 2020/2021?

  5. Como miembro de la comunidad, ¿cómo puedo ayudar a la Fundación Cardano?

  6. ¿Tienen planes para asegurar que la comunicación entre las 3 entidades sea clara durante los próximos años?

  7. ¿Cómo se financiará el proyecto una vez agotado el fondo inicial de la ICO?

  8. ¿Cumplirá Cardano con las regulaciones del Grupo de Acción Financiera Internacional (GAFI)? ¿De qué manera se logrará?


How Ya’ll are, I’m just a 65 yr old computer challenged believer in what is happening with blockchain. The only drawback is I really don’t understand what goes on in the background. So other than investing in ADA, I don’t know what to do to help the Cardano Foundation with mass adoption. Any suggestions for the people like me? I’ve tried talking with my friends or people on the streets but they have no clue. Thanks Randy


Hi Randy!

I’d say, to begin with, just hang out here in the forum and some of the other Cardano channels on Telegram, Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. You’ll pick up hints not only about “what goes on in the background” but also what non-techical people (and there are many) can do. Get involved in some of the discussions and see what comes up!

By the way, not to be off-putting, but this really should have been a new topic in https://forum.cardano.org/c/introduce-yourself. It would still be good to do that, you could just copy/paste from here. Ideally you’d delete this post afterwards, but don’t worry too much about it.

Hello everyone.

Thank you for voting. We are pleased to see that the questions with the most votes are of a high quality, made possible by you - our Ambassadors and the overall community.

As stated above we will close the poll and move the questions forward for the AMA during the Cardano Anniversary event in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

We are looking forward to the coming days - please share your thoughts, pictures and videos on social media with the hashtags #Cardano2Years and #embracethecommunity.

With kind regards,

IOHK, the Cardano Foundation and EMURGO.


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