Byron wallet restored with 0 balance

I installed the wallet on my laptop, printed all info and stored this. When I send the ADA to this wallet I copied the wallet address from the wallet on my laptop.

I cannot import the old files as I deleted the old wallet after trying for days to sync it and it just did not work. I setup a new wallet as I still had my precious seed phrase

I believe that this is what is going on. I moved my ADA from daedulus with a 12 seed word phrase to 15 seed word Yoroi test net to stake for rewards. This week I decided to transfer it to Shelley and there is zero balance in it. A guy tried to help me here but to no avail. Fortunately, I have Yoroi tesnet open and can see the balance there. I have been reading through posts here. This many people cannot be having problems seeing 0 balances. I am not new in Crypto and I have been on the block for a while. There is no way this many people can be having these issues.

The problem still persists, I confirm there is still 0 balance when restoring an old wallet.
I have the address and transaction in the block explorer and it won’t show up in Daedalus.
Two years ago I sent the ADA to my Ledger which was connected to Daedalus and now all accounts show 0 balance.

Is there an open Reddit thread or a public response to this huge problem?

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Do you have any updates on the issue? You figured out the problem quite clearly.

Did u tried to connect ur ledger to a byron wallet right?

Yoroi or daedalus- add wallet - byron - pair/connect ledger right?

Ur ledger live and cardano app are up to date?

Is this the laptop wher first daledalus (2 years ago) was installed?


I freshly installed Daedalus. I started by entering my 12-word keyphrase.
After syncing 100%, the balance is 0 and no transactions.

I updated my Ledger Nano S and exported my keys from the Ledger to Daedalus. After syncing the transaction log with the blockchain, 0 balance and no transactions.

I tried again with the 12-word phrase, it was already registered.
I recovered my old data from Appdata/Roaming and imported the secret key, it was the same wallet again, already registered.

I know the wallet address and see the ADA in the block explorer. All software is up to date and it’s the same PC.

Hi, there. Any news on the updating? I have tried to connect my Daedalus wallet first time in 4 years or smth. Guess what, the wallet shows exactly 0. I see that imnot the only one having this issue. I have the 12 word phrase, the synch went well up to 100%. It shows Byron type, and i dont have the “receive funds” option. Only send. The history tab is empty. I mean, it looks like ive just created a new account, all the funds are wiped out. Is this even legal? I cant even see what is my wallets ID to check if any ADA are still there. That really suqs.

This is the laptop/desktop where u installed first time the daedalus wallet?

If yes, try to locate the secret.key file and use the import option

Hi, thank you for the answer. I did that as well, both on Deadalus and Daedalus flight. Still the balance is 0.00. How can i try to find to locate my wallet’s ID? it doesnt stand there anywhere. Also, i dont get any replies from the IOHK.

I was thinking maybe i can track somehow to check if there is any balance there? (even though i know i have never used them anywhere :slight_smile:

Oh yea, and i forgot to mention it still stands as Byron, and i cant receive/request funds.

U restored an old byron wallet… if u wi want to create a shelley wallet then create a new shelley wallet (bkp the new 24 seed words) and start receiving funds… for the byron walllet it seems u restored another wallet which has no funds… try to find the correct 12 seed words

Bump on this.

Same exact issue. I have the correct seed for my Byron wallet. Restores to 0 balance.

Anyone figure this out? I have a significant amount on the line.

I have the same exact issue. I do not see a real solution on this thread. What to do?

if u have the old files on your laptop/pc try to find the secret.key and use import option when u are trying to restore the wallet

thanks for the quick response. I do not have the old file, only the 12 word recovery.

Ok, try to restore on

do u see any transactions history?

honestly, not comfortable using 3rd party browser wallet… even if it´s super legit…

Ok, then in daedalus do u see any transactions history?

nope none at all… after reading the thread it seems it really is a problem with the wallet update?

and also no receive/tab addresses, so same problem as many other posters… IOHK support claims incorrect recovery phrase, but is 100% correct… not sure why they would issue that response when many holders have the same problem…