Ticket response from emurgo

Thank you for contacting the EMURGO Technical Support Desk.

Many users are currently encountering issues when interacting with the Shelley testnet.

First of all, thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to get this new technology working correctly. Issues like these demonstrate why testing is so important and why we needed the community to help us by taking part in this testnet.

Please be aware that the errors you are seeing now in the Yoroi Shelley Testnet extension are not caused by Yoroi itself. The problems are arising in the network, due to various issues related to the recent Jorgumandr update released by IOHK. Engineers at IOHK are working to fix and smooth out these issues right now.

In the meantime, all we can do is follow IOHK’s twitter announcements and wait for more updates, and hope that the issues are fixed quickly.

Once again we thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.

If you have delegated a stake to a stake pool but you are not receiving rewards, please go to adapools.org and search for your pool to make sure it is producing blocks. If it isn’t, you should delegate to a different pool instead. Make sure the new one is actually producing blocks so you can earn rewards from it.

If you delegated to a stake pool, and you have the transaction in your transaction history, but your Dashboard screen now shows that you are not delegated, please do not worry. The most likely cause is that your status is not updating correctly due to the network issues mentioned above. You don’t need to do anything right now. Your stake is still delegated.

If you have restored your wallet in Yoroi Shelley Testnet extension but you now see a transaction history and balance of 0, please do not worry. If you had a testnet ADA balance from the November 29th snapshot, then your testnet ADA is not gone. Your correct balance is taking a long time to appear due to network issues described above. If you prefer not to wait until the Jorgumandr issues are fixed, you can try deleting the Yoroi Shelley Testnet extension and restoring your wallet again. It might work after waiting for several minutes. If not, please wait several hours and try these steps again.

If you have some other issue, the best thing we can recommend now is to try the Daedalus Rewards application which you can download here:

And to contact IOHK with any issues.

Thank you and please have a happy new year from all of us at EMURGO.