Catalyst Circle - Nominations Open

CCv4 Introduction

Dear Prospective Representative for the Catalyst Circle version 4,

First off, thank you for your interest in participating in the Catalyst Circle. As we enter our fourth iteration, we continue the pursuit of bringing true value to the Cardano Community by working together, sharing various community perspectives, and identifying necessary practices and procedures for governance.

Second, whether you are new to Cardano, a long time participant, or somewhere in between, we encourage you to get informed on what has happened to date. For further details on the origins of the Catalyst Circle you can check out this blog from IOHK here. You may also wish to deep dive into recent Circle meetings from versions one to three, which you can find here.

Third, the role of Catalyst Circle is always changing; From being a human sensor array to exploring innovative ways for community governance to becoming a decision-making body, the Catalyst Circle’s ultimate success depends on those who are involved. Interested individuals should have strong support within the Cardano Community and have a solid understanding of its foundations and objectives.

While engaging at Catalyst Circle version 4, the elected representatives will serve during a 6 months time period at their elected seat. During this time, the representatives will explore and establish communications and coordinations to their represented groups as well as to other representatives and their groups.

The Circle exists to fulfill the following goals:

  • Facilitate communication, coordination and collaboration between the various Cardano communities that are represented, and to the extent possible those communities that are not represented.
  • Interact and Coordinate different Sub-Circles so that the circle is responsive to the whole community and can build on the strengths of different communities .
  • Communicate if, and when, there is a violation of the community code of conduct
  • Suggest improvements on plans and processes that shape Project Catalyst.
  • Define the election process for any following Circle & sub circle representatives and/or participants

Each member of the Circle should:

  • Be well connected across one or more communities within the Cardano or Catalyst space.
  • Represent the interests of the communities you come from and be able to provide your community’s perspective rather than a personal opinion. .
  • Exercise logic and reasons when rendering judgments about matters that come before the Circle
  • Familiarize other members with the projects, activities, aims, hopes, and concerns of your communities
  • As appropriate, introduce proposals into the Circle’s agenda that directly respond to or provide a solution for one of the Circle’s commonly identified problems
  • Inform your communities about initiatives of the Circle by supporting large and small community events, such as Twitter Spaces, Hangouts, etc…

In addition, the following criteria outline the minimum criteria that must be met by interested individuals in order to be eligible to be a Circle representative:

  • Regularly attend the 2 hour Catalyst Circle meeting every two weeks and to the extent possible, participate in the bi-weekly working group meetings to address specific issues.
  • Work with your community, sub circle, and other Circle reps to maintain an agile backlog list to track issues between meetings
  • Provide input and comment on Circle agenda issues ahead of time
  • Maintain awareness of the interests and concerns of your communities
  • Disseminate the Circle’s outputs transparently and accessibly
  • Learn and practice effective meeting procedures
  • Provide feedback on the effectiveness of the Circle

Must have

  • Minimum 6 months of experience with Project Catalyst and knowledge about its purpose, how it operates, key roles and its activities

  • Ideascale account opening or other ways to provide evidence on experience"

  • An active participant in the community

  • Have voted on proposals in Catalyst

  • Ability to work with people and communicate professionally in both written and verbal modes of interaction

  • A well-connected and recognized community member, able to act and represent your community’s needs, problems, ideas, and visions

  • Patient, experienced in communication and coordination, and familiar with social media channels and co-working tools (familiarity with Zoom, Telegram, Discord, Google Docs and Sheets)

  • Flexible for meeting times to coordinate with people around the globe

Nice to have

At the same time, there are specific activities that a Catalyst Circle representative must NOT do particularly as they risk or threaten the success of the Circle, any of its representatives, or the communities they represent.

To better understand the behaviours which are deemed both appropriate and inappropriate, the Community through CCv3 has begun developing a Code of Conduct for Circle Representatives. While this document is still underdevelopment, and likely will be finalized under the tenure of CCv4, it is important that all Circle representatives understand and conform to this code.

You can find the most recent version of the Code of Conduct here.

Interested to join the Circle and to explore and be a part of future governance at the Catalyst ecosystem ?

Submit your nomination and engage your community to support you at the Catalyst Circle election.

Your Circle


Hi @Felix_Weber!

Thank you very much for posting this announcement and for the time and energy you and your team have put into the Circle and to Catalyst.

I would like to add more at a later date about the Parameter Change and the significance of this election and what it means to me to vote on-chain for the next iteration of circle but until that is prepared, I would like to share this github repo as a guide or example of the types of activities one can expect as a future circle members. This list is growing and adapting and is open for input.

If any nominees are interested in doing chats, interviews, debates, or whatever, please get in contact.

Thank you,

Ah, thank you for the refreshing perspective.

It is nice to see how Catalyst Circle has catalyzed several governance and operation
groups to build the foundation for Decentralised Community Governance.

The expectation list is also getting heavier. Looking forward to seeing innovation and collaboration from new Circle members.

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Thank you for clarifications and the effort you made! Hope to have good collaboration in this Cycle!

ı wish congratulations to the newly elected members and wish all the best. Looking forward to seeing Catalyst Circle as active as possible.