In July 2019, the Cardano Foundation team visited Singapore and Hong Kong to attend World Blockchain Summit Singapore and SPOT conference. From both of these fantastic cities, the Foundation held community meetups to meet with the Cardano communities. Special thanks go to the local organisers, Jose, Jiten and @cliff for their support.
On 24 July, with the support of our partner SGInnovate, we welcomed our participants from the venue located in the heart of Singapore IT industry. Jose, kicked off the meetup with a quick introduction of the Singapore community and the special guests of the day; Nathan Kaiser, chairperson of Cardano Foundation, Ken Kodama, CEO of EMURGO, Manmeet Singh CFO & CIO of EMURGO, Hugo Hellebuyck, VP of Sales and Partnership of Tangem, and David Kim, CEO at Blue Block.
(Special guests, from left, Jitendra, Jose de Castro, David Kim, Ken Kodama, Manmeet Singh, Hugo Hellebuyck, and Nathan Kaiser)
One by one, the special guests introduced their organisation and updated the community with the latest news about their projects and products. During the talk, the participants submitted their questions to the speaker through the Pigeonhole Live Q&A board.
During Nathan’s talk, Nathan introduced the audience to the Cardano Ambassador programme and the Foundation’s vision for future projects. The Foundation launched the Ambassador Program in December 2018 and appointed our first group of ambassadors in January 2019. The goal of this programme is to give recognition to the contribution of dedicated community members who help the community to grow in a healthy and educative way. As of August 2019, we have 45 ambassadors who are actively contributing their talent for the community from 4 different categories. The Foundation is working on developing the ambassador programme as well as designing new community support programmes. Nathan said decentralisation and democracy are the keywords we are focusing on, to foster Cardano communities.
Manmeet took the stage next. He introduced the official commercial arm of Cardano, EMURGO, and its latest education programme in India - EMURGO Academy. EMURGO has been designing education courses for various targets from university-level developers to professional blockchain talents and also recently signed 3 MOUs with local Indian universities to train students & faculty. EMURGO Academy focuses on ‘creating an army of blockchain intelligence who can fuel the industry.’ You can find more information at EMURGO Academy’s website.
Manmeet also shared the news of the latest partnership with Tamura restaurant using the Yoroi ADA Wallet developed by EMURGO. Our community manager Niels also visited Tamura restaurant last month to experience their Ada payment system. If you have a chance to go to Osaka, Japan, don’t forget to visit Tamura BBQ restaurant and pay with Ada!
Our last two guest speakers of the day were from outside the Cardano ecosystem. David Kim, CEO of BlueBlock, talked about security coins. With this hot potato, the debate was heated, and the community enjoyed discussing this topic.
Last but not least, we had Hugo from Tangem. He presented Tangem’s latest product range (including Anti-counterfeit Tags) and introduced Tangem’s service mechanism. The Foundation team distributed Cardano branded Tangem cards along with Cardano T-shirts and stickers to the attendees.
Find more from Tangem website.
A week after in Hong Kong, the Foundation had a networking event with Hong Kong Cardano community. We had lots of Cardano fans from various industries for our Hong Kong meetup. The event started with Nathan’s welcoming remarks and people mingle with each other to discuss Cardano and Blockchain in Hong Kong over a Cardano music mix that David Kim had specifically chosen for the event. If you are interested in hearing David’s playlist, check it out here. Special thanks to Cliff, who helped us organising and promoting the event!